Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Mother nature is fed up... quite quite fed up. Her children are going out of hand, she is unable to control them , loosing her control over them. They have grown too big for their boots. Taller then her, bigger then her. She keeps sending various obstacles to slow their tornado like movement, to destroy everything in their path. Frustration makes her throw curses at her own children in the form of disease and pestilence, but nothing seems to slow her marauding lot.They find counter curses, better medicines to make them more powerful. They seem to be going on and on...... She even thought up of sending her own kind against their own in the form of terrorists: killing, blasting, bombing people, buildings and cities....even this did not seem to work like she thought it would.

Mother Nature is a very very frustrated lady....

Is anybody out there to help this lady control her truant brood???? Anyone at all?? Are all her kids deaf or pretending to be deaf... have hearing problem or have selective hearing problem??? Are they blind or are they blinded by 'never die always powerful' arrogance.
Will they come to their senses only after their home is destroyed in entirety... nothing more to destroy and nothing more...... nothing more... nothing more...

1 comment:

  1. Nature and Mother are always protects their loved once.but some insects(on the leaves) in the form of terrorists in the day it will wiped out by powerful pesticides.
