Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Mother nature is fed up... quite quite fed up. Her children are going out of hand, she is unable to control them , loosing her control over them. They have grown too big for their boots. Taller then her, bigger then her. She keeps sending various obstacles to slow their tornado like movement, to destroy everything in their path. Frustration makes her throw curses at her own children in the form of disease and pestilence, but nothing seems to slow her marauding lot.They find counter curses, better medicines to make them more powerful. They seem to be going on and on...... She even thought up of sending her own kind against their own in the form of terrorists: killing, blasting, bombing people, buildings and cities....even this did not seem to work like she thought it would.

Mother Nature is a very very frustrated lady....

Is anybody out there to help this lady control her truant brood???? Anyone at all?? Are all her kids deaf or pretending to be deaf... have hearing problem or have selective hearing problem??? Are they blind or are they blinded by 'never die always powerful' arrogance.
Will they come to their senses only after their home is destroyed in entirety... nothing more to destroy and nothing more...... nothing more... nothing more...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Word Wars

Hurting words hurled
Hurled words hurting.
Fencing, parrying,dueling
Offending defending,
Looking, glancing, glaring
Venom pouring
Thoughts Simmering,
Breaking, tearing
Not healing

This is a never ending war of a relationship gone wrong. Can there be no room for forgiveness and a fresh start? Only if the hurting can stop can the wound heal. Only then and only then will there be inner peace and quiet.

Monday, July 20, 2009


When fledglings grow and spread their wings
To be there as a prop if they fall
From any flings,
Mistakes made and tears wiped
Souls crying from hurts
With hearts torn
Yearning for acceptance
From any misdeed done
Realizing that life can never be in a past tense,
Advice needed and given
Patience tried and beaten
Till tears are dried and raised voices are even.

But how can you ever tell
That to get some things
One sometimes needs to go to hell,
Life is not always a bed of roses
Thorns come along
With these posies

Of things done away from the norm
Acceptance is a hinge
That never opens doors, but does more harm,
Rejecting as an outcaste
Who dares to overstep
The line that is bound fast,
By invisible walls
That cannot be measured,
All we can teach is to help them ease any fall!


What is success? What is failure? Is it not something that we perceive ourselves to be. As everything on earth is a comparison, as there is no absolute. Then success or failure is just a comparison to each other right? Because there is short one can see the tall, because there is a down one perceives the up. In the same way, failure is the shadow of success.

They follow each other. If success overtakes failure you are perceived as a lucky fellow, but if failure overtakes success then you are doomed as an unlucky fellow.

If one succeeds in anything in life, its one’s own effort, but poor failure is blamed on everything around you, birth, people, circumstance, everything but ones own faults and inabilities and shortcomings. Why so? That is human nature, any thing positive is yours, but anything remotely negative is everyone else’s fault but yours.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sitting in the hospital waiting your turn, wondering and worrying. The worst thoughts gallop through the mind.... may be it is just a mild fever, maybe this cough is H1N1 or maybe this lump on my arm is a tumor. Maybe the yearly check up is going to show my worst nightmare... Cancer! These thoughts are seen in the face and body language of each person sitting in the clinic.Even the most healthy person looks pained and trying to look ill, almost trying to justify the reason to have a MHC ( master health checkup)

Some are there for a just cause, genuinely ill, they look spritely, trying to ward off the malaise and put on a brave front. The others who are here for their yearly check up have the gravest faces, expecting the worst. They pick up their cell phones constantly speaking in hushed tones giving blow by blow commentary on their current status.... " Waiting for the scan, finished x-ray, blood test pending ......" and on and on. All the while looking suitably ill, acting the part to justify the fat bill at the end of all this probing, prodding and testing!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Getting together with old friends, poring over forgotten photos, reviving long forgotten memories , is the best mood booster ever. Laughing, giggling like teenagers make excellent stress busters! Past middle age and when new friends are few and far between, its the old friends that matter most.
Life takes its own road, some up, some down , some way way down, but the sanest thing in this world are your childhood friends.... nutty as they are...... who were there when you were growing, sharing all your growing pains, lost dreams, shattered hearts etal
Friends must have been created by God after he created man and woman. Some one, that each of us can have,to share our joys or sorrows.

Like Simon and Garfunkel rightly sang ...." A time it was, what a time it was/ as time of innocence/ a time of confidences/ long ago, it must be, it must be/ I have a photograph, to preserve your memory...."
Cheers to eternal friendship!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unconditional Love

Love... the emotion that rules all others! Love they say is to be unconditional, but how many people can actually have that kind of love. That kind of love is seen everyday only between parents and children...very young children at that.... not with the difficult adolecent or the defiant teen. Parents start unconsciously... to make hidden borders and invisible 'if" rules which seem to define their love for the child. The unsaid, unspoken condition of love leads to disappointments followed by anger and un-retractable words ... and rifts set in the parent -child sibling. Older relationship between partners, end because of this same reason... the hidden condition.
If we can give this love without asking, without rules, without any barrier... an all out love, life would be happier!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Joy! We often say " what a joy that was!" What is Joy? It is the emotional response to an intense pleasurable experience physical or mental.... The joy can be from a momentary experience, an incident, a colour, the sunset, a baby's soft touch... something read....... Oh so many things.

Sometimes we say that the mental joy that we had was almost orgasmic in its experience..... the ultimate of all pleasures... the physical pleasure; and sometimes a physical joy gives us a mental euphoria. That totally unadulterated pleasure, giving us a high, a lift and a bounce.... is JOY

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inner smile

This writing on my wall :"Yo jay whatting?" that made me smile on the inside, in some fashion reminded me of the careless, carefree days of child hood,where imagination always ran riot, and reality took a back seat. Like, the name less little boys on the roads pretending to be a motor car or a racing bike, whizzing around holding out their hands in steering wheel fashion and beep.. beeping at hundred times a minute. Or the little girl who envisaged herself as a great dancer and every other step was a tap and a move and a slide, with enough'abinayas' to make even the greatest dancers gape!

There was such joy in those words, I had it on the wall for over a month and it made everyone who saw it chuckle in delight... bringing back a whisper of that lost childhood!

Friday, April 24, 2009

why watting-thotting?

One sightly nutty niece of mine wrote this on my kitchen wall.... " Yo jay watting???" Making me smile. This set my thoughts trotting.... so thotting! These thoughts as my dear hubby likes to call as 'J thots' are nothing spectacular but they are nevertheless my thoughts, and have made changes in my view of life and the way I live. I thought I should be able to share these small insights with others and what better way but the blog way! sometimes these may sound serious and brooding sometimes happy and cheerful. That's me!