Monday, July 20, 2009


What is success? What is failure? Is it not something that we perceive ourselves to be. As everything on earth is a comparison, as there is no absolute. Then success or failure is just a comparison to each other right? Because there is short one can see the tall, because there is a down one perceives the up. In the same way, failure is the shadow of success.

They follow each other. If success overtakes failure you are perceived as a lucky fellow, but if failure overtakes success then you are doomed as an unlucky fellow.

If one succeeds in anything in life, its one’s own effort, but poor failure is blamed on everything around you, birth, people, circumstance, everything but ones own faults and inabilities and shortcomings. Why so? That is human nature, any thing positive is yours, but anything remotely negative is everyone else’s fault but yours.

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