Monday, April 27, 2009


Joy! We often say " what a joy that was!" What is Joy? It is the emotional response to an intense pleasurable experience physical or mental.... The joy can be from a momentary experience, an incident, a colour, the sunset, a baby's soft touch... something read....... Oh so many things.

Sometimes we say that the mental joy that we had was almost orgasmic in its experience..... the ultimate of all pleasures... the physical pleasure; and sometimes a physical joy gives us a mental euphoria. That totally unadulterated pleasure, giving us a high, a lift and a bounce.... is JOY

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Inner smile

This writing on my wall :"Yo jay whatting?" that made me smile on the inside, in some fashion reminded me of the careless, carefree days of child hood,where imagination always ran riot, and reality took a back seat. Like, the name less little boys on the roads pretending to be a motor car or a racing bike, whizzing around holding out their hands in steering wheel fashion and beep.. beeping at hundred times a minute. Or the little girl who envisaged herself as a great dancer and every other step was a tap and a move and a slide, with enough'abinayas' to make even the greatest dancers gape!

There was such joy in those words, I had it on the wall for over a month and it made everyone who saw it chuckle in delight... bringing back a whisper of that lost childhood!

Friday, April 24, 2009

why watting-thotting?

One sightly nutty niece of mine wrote this on my kitchen wall.... " Yo jay watting???" Making me smile. This set my thoughts trotting.... so thotting! These thoughts as my dear hubby likes to call as 'J thots' are nothing spectacular but they are nevertheless my thoughts, and have made changes in my view of life and the way I live. I thought I should be able to share these small insights with others and what better way but the blog way! sometimes these may sound serious and brooding sometimes happy and cheerful. That's me!